Growth stage startups

Where I can help

  1. Hands-on product advice
  2. Augment your bandwidth or embed with your team for specific initiatives
  3. Tap into my partner network to help you build or expand quickly

Examples of situations I have helped founders tackle

  • Leaky bucket. X.xx% monthly churn. Have to re-acquire entire base every XX months. (Healthcare, $50m revenue)
  • We execute well. But we don’t measure well. We scale the bad as well as the good. The bigger the mess… (Fintech, tech team of 70)
  • Revenue is up. NPS is down. (Subscription Ecommerce)
  • SMB success. Moving up to enterprise. Need interim support while I hire sales & product heads. (Functional SaaS)
  • Highly regulated market, co-founder heads product. Product struggles between compliance and efficacy. (Insuretech, tech team of 55)
  • Took down round, laid off 20% last year. Time to grow again. Team (and I) need a reboot. (Series C)
  • Sales and product leadership need help to work better, together. (Enterprise SaaS/AI)


Let's talk! WhatsApp me at +1-778-317-2370, or drop me a line at

If you need a detailed consultation, set up a meeting below.
