Early-stage startups

Where I can help

  1. Hands-on product advice
  2. Augment your bandwidth or embed with your team for specific initiatives
  3. Tap into my partner network to help you need to build or sell

Examples of situations I have helped founders tackle

  • CAC too high. Convert radically better; or find other channels. (Healthcare, after $3m in ads)
  • Scaling. Ops buckling. Automate. But maintain your high NPS. (Pharmacy, ops team of 30)
  • Started as self-serve, for SMB. Works, but can't charge enough. Move up. (Vertical AI/SaaS)
  • Largest customer wants a feature. Goes against product vision. (Enterprise SaaS/AI)
  • Hired my first two PMs. Brilliant, but green. Need to level-up quick. (Ecommerce, series A)
  • Product is fundamentally different & better. Not able to excite leads. (AI-first SaaS)
  • 'Core' product's good. 'Whole' product doesn't fit / weak PMF. Pivot. (SaaS, AI-driven personal productivity)
  • Small PM team. Great at building. Terrified of speaking to customers. (Healthcare with an offshore team)
  • Co-founder leads product. She's raising the next round. Tied up for 6 months. Can't focus on capability & revenue goals. (Series A, enterprise SaaS)
  • Founding CTO left. He was hands-on, as L2 leadership is green. Don’t want to stagnate 6 months while we hire and ramp. (Series A, tech team of 30)

Next steps

WhatsApp/Signal me at +1-778-317-2370, or drop me a line at prashanth@protopm.com

If you need a detailed consultation, set up a meeting below.
